Charles Stross

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Charles David George "Charlie" Stross (born 18 October 1964) is a British writer of science fiction, Lovecraftian horror and fantasy. He was born in Leeds.
Stross specialises in hard science fiction and space opera. His contemporaries include Alastair Reynolds, Ken MacLeod, Liz Williams, Neal Asher and Richard Morgan.
Between 1994 and 2004, he was also an active writer for the magazine Computer Shopper and was responsible for the monthly Linux column. Due to time constraints, he eventually had to stop writing for Computer Shopper so that he could devote more time to his novels. Subsequently, he published all his articles on the Internet.
In the 1970s and 1980s, Stross published some role-playing game articles about Advanced Dungeons & Dragons in the White Dwarf magazine. Some of his creatures, such as the death knight, githyanki (borrowed from George R. R. Martin's book, Dying of the Light), githzerai, and slaad (a chaotic race notable for their rigid caste system) were later published in the Fiend Folio monster compendium.[3]

His first published short story, "The Boys", appeared in Interzone in 1987. His first novel, Singularity Sky was published by Ace Books in 2003 and was nominated for the Hugo Award. A collection of his short stories, Toast: And Other Rusted Futures appeared in 2002. Subsequent short stories have been nominated for the Hugo Award, Nebula Award, and other awards. His novella "The Concrete Jungle" won the Hugo award for its category in 2005. His novel Accelerando won the 2006 Locus Award for best science fiction novel, was a finalist for the John W. Campbell Memorial Award for the year's best science fiction novel, and was on the final ballot for the Hugo Award in the best novel category. Glasshouse won the 2007 Prometheus Award and was on the final ballot for the Hugo Award in the best novel category. His novella "Missile Gap" won the 2007 Locus Award for best novella and most recently he was awarded the Edward E. Smith Memorial Award or Skylark at Boskone 2008.
In addition to working as a writer of fiction he has worked as a technical author, freelance journalist, programmer, and pharmacist at different times. He holds degrees in Pharmacy and Computer Science.
Rogue Farm, an animated film based on his 2003 short story of the same title, debuted in August 2004.
He was one of the Guests of Honour at Orbital 2008 the British National Science Fiction convention (Eastercon) in March 2008. He was the Author Guest of Honour at the Maryland Regional Science Fiction Convention (Balticon) in May 2009. He was Author Guest of Honour at Fantasticon (Denmark), August 2009. He was the Guest of Honor of Boskone 48 in Feb 2011.
In September, 2012, Stross released The Rapture of The Nerds, a novel written in collaboration with Cory Doctorow.

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Н. про Stross: The Fuller Memorandum (Киберпанк, Ужасы, Шпионский детектив) в 19:25 (+04:00) / 30-11-2013

Древние, сектанты-фанатики, советские шпионы, чары, айфоны, бюрократия и локальный зомбиапокалипсис.
«Истина в том, что мой Бог возвращается. Когда он придёт, я буду ждать его с дробовиком. И я оставлю последний патрон для себя».

Рейтинг: +1 ( 1 за, 0 против).
Н. про Doctorow: Rapture of the Nerds (Научная Фантастика) в 17:08 (+04:00) / 26-11-2013

Они убили Хув! Сволочи! ПлАчу. Мрачно, суицидально и безнадёжно.

Рейтинг: 0 ( 0 за, 0 против).
Н. про Stross: The Jennifer Morgue (Киберпанк) в 17:58 (+04:00) / 26-10-2013

Прочитав эту книгу, вы узнаете, почему глаза пользователей продуктов Apple стекленеют, когда они говорят о своих игрушках, побываете в шкуре супергероя (или героини?), научитесь изгонять демонов игрой на скрипке и взглянете на Джеймса Бонда глазами его оппонентов.

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Н. про Stross: The Atrocity Archives (Киберпанк) в 19:20 (+04:00) / 02-10-2013

Из этой книги вы узнаете о том, почему умер Алан Тьюринг, как обесточить секретную службу и что находится на дне множества Мандельброта.

Отлично, приступаю к следующей книге цикла «Laundry files».

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